Become a Volunteer

Be the change with Queen Mercy Foundation! Join our community, contribute your skills, and make a direct impact. Whether it’s event support, community outreach, or educational programs, there’s a role for you. Ready to illuminate lives together? Complete the form below.

Join Us

Give us a call or drop by anytime, we will answer all enquiries within 48hours


    1. Passion for Change: We welcome individuals with a genuine passion for making a positive impact. Your commitment to our causes is the key driving force behind your volunteer journey.

    2. Dedicated Time: While we appreciate any time you can offer, having a consistent and dedicated time commitment ensures that our collective efforts create a sustained and meaningful impact.

    3. Openness to Learning: Whether you’re a seasoned volunteer or just starting, an openness to learning is essential. We value the diverse skills and experiences each volunteer brings, fostering an environment of growth and collaboration


    1. Visit Our Website: Head to our website and navigate to the “Volunteer With Us” section.

    2. Read About Our Causes: Understand our mission and causes. Ensure they resonate with your passion for positive change.

    3. Complete the Volunteer Form: Fill out the brief volunteer form. Provide essential details such as your name, contact information, and availability.

    4. Submit Your Application: Click the submit button to send your application to our team.

    5. Confirmation Email: Receive a confirmation email acknowledging your application and providing further instructions.

    6. Orientation Session: Attend a brief orientation session to familiarize yourself with our mission, values, and specific volunteer opportunities.

    7. Start Volunteering: Once oriented, you’re ready to start making a difference! Engage in our initiatives and be part of positive change.